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Archived Comments for: Simple technique for evacuation of traumatic subcutaneous haematomas under tension

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  1. Sclerosed and potentially sclerosed vessels

    Dave Hopkins, n/a

    15 June 2006

    The intention of your experiment is quite commendable. I respect your observance of the scenarios in real emergency departments when it comes to an injury of this nature. However, I believe that your experiment, while credible, lacks many details about the effects that a procedure such as this may entail to the patient on which it is being performed. First, the location and nature of the injury needs to be more clearly defined. Many would say that this is unnecessary. However, if a person has been stabbed in the abdomen or chest, a procedure like this could cause many different, and potentially worse, consequences. Some common examples are: mesenteric rupture, ventricular overexpansion followed by cardiac collapse, etc. Also, this technique should come with a comprehensible use policy. Since some medications are pressors and constrict the blood vessels from which the hematoma is coming, a suction technique like this one could potentially sclerose and block a vessel. This could lead to a potentially fatal Pulmonary Embolus or Myocardial Infarction. In conclusion, the study you performed was groundbreaking, but needs more specification.

    Competing interests

