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Table 3 Reasons against the approval of the independent use of painkillers by ambulance staff

From: Application of analgesics in emergency services in Germany: a survey of the medical directors




Reasons against the approval of the independent use of painkillers by emergency paramedics




Approved: n = 20

Not approved: n = 53


Approved: n = 43

Not approved: n = 30

Emergency physician (almost) always available very quickly

17 (22,1%)

56 (72,7%)

P = 0,303

P = 0,257

The issues of legal (in)certainty in the use of narcotics by emergency paramedics

41 (53,2%)

32 (41,6%)

P = 0,006

P = 0,020

Indication by emergency paramedics is too uncritical

13 (16,9%)

60 (77,9%)

P = 0,284

P = 0,683

Lack of expertise of emergency paramedics

15 (19,5%)

58 (75,3%)

P = 0,171

P = 0,923

Lack of experience/safety in the use of analgesics

28 (36,4%)

45 (58,4%)

P = 0,367

P = 0,465

Fear of an increase in side effects

7 (9,1%)

66 (85,7%)

P = 0,942

P = 0,001

Resistance of individual emergency paramedics against the "assumption of medical activity"

13 (16,9%)

60 (77,9%)

P = 0,764

P = 0,683

There are no reasons

15 (19,5%)

58 (75,3%)