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Table 1 Scenario- critical diagnoses and assessment preprogrammed and set up in human patient simulator

From: Effects of an advanced first aid course or real-time video communication with ambulance personnel on layperson first response for building-site severe injury events: a simulation study


Critical diagnosis, assessment

Human patient simulator

Primary critically outcome



Safe injury- event site expected to be visually assessed 360 degrees



-Catastrophic bleeding

Catastrophic bleeding right femoral artery

0.5 L of ‘blood’ was out on the ground at the source of bleeding, as well as pulsating bleeding

Direct manual pressure over bleeding source < 60 s or Tourniquet < 90 s




Blocked airway

Apnea without airway management

Simulated chewing gum applied in the upper airway.

Recorded sound with signs of blocked airway, released when airway was secured. Cyanosis when blocked airway, blue light in the face, removed when secured airway.

Air stream on exhalation at secured airway

The chest moves up and down at the open airway, Respiration rate 20/minutes

Inspect the oral cavity, Jaw Thrust < 90 s or Oro-pharyngeal airway < 90 s



Hypotension and tachycardia

Heart rate 130/minutes. Blood pressure 70/40 mmHg

Pale skin color and simulated sweat. Palpable pulse A, carotid




Unconscious does not react to pain. Equal pupils on the right and left sides

Does not respond to contact. Does not react to painful stimuli. Pupils same size, responsive and react to light




Wound injury in the back of head. Inwardly rotated legs. Blood on the legs.

Made-up wound injury back of the head. Legs inwardly rotated

Secondary outcome

Examine the entire body head to toe, Pelvic sling in 10 min, mean time until completed