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Table 1 Baseline characteristics of the historical control patients compared to patients with the new protocol of intramuscular sedation

From: The impact of a standardised intramuscular sedation protocol for acute behavioural disturbance in the emergency department


Historical Controls

(N = 73)

New Protocol

(N = 58)

Age (median, IQR)

30 years

(23 to 38 years)

32 years

(26 to 43 years)

Sex (male)

35 (48%)

32 (60%)

Initial intramuscular sedation*

20 (27%)

58 (100%)


63 (86%)


  1. IQR - interquartile range; ABD - acute behavioural disturbance; *The remainder received IV sedation (53). †Exact number unknown but based on randomisation approximately one third received 10mg midazolam and one third 5mg midazolam and one third only droperidol.