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Table 3 High-Acuity Patients in the Pak-NEDS Study, Based on Vital Signs and Selected Presenting Complaints (patients >12 years)

From: How vital are the vital signs? a multi-center observational study from emergency departments of Pakistan

Presenting complaints

N (% of total sample n = 259288)

Abnormal Shock Index

Low GCS or Altered Consciousness

Abnormal Temperature

Abnormal RR or abnormal SpO2

Very High Blood Pressure


(N, % of each complaint)


31554 (12.2)

4050 (12.8)


8319 (26.4)



Abdominal pain

23170 (8.9)

1945 (8.4)





Chest pain

20130 (7.8)

2678 (13.3)




69 (0.3)


10629 (4.1)

1084 (10.2)






5954 (2.3)

765 (12.9)





Back pain

8239 (3.2)





22 (0.3)

Head/face/neck injury

13309 (5.0)


746 (5.6)





9516 (3.7)


188 (2.0)




Shortness of breath

8548 (3.3)




994 (11.6)


  1. Note:
  2. • GCS = Gaslow Coma Scale; RR = Respiratory Rate; SpO2 = Oxygen saturation
  3. • Ranges for reported vital signs in this table are as follows: Abnormal shock index="shock index<0.5 or >0.7"; Low GCS="3≤GCS≤12"; Abnormal temperature="<36.5°C (97.8 °F) or > 38°C (100.4 °F)"; Abnormal RR="RR<12/min or >18/min"; Abnormal SpO2 = "SpO2 ≤94%"; Very high blood pressure="Systolic Blood Pressure >180 mm/Hg"