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Table 3 Defibrillations during the scenarios

From: Influence of airway management strategy on "no-flow-time" during an "Advanced life support course" for intensive care nurses – A single rescuer resuscitation manikin study


Time-to-shock [„LTS-D“] seconds (min/max)

Time-to-shock [„BMV“] seconds (min/max)


Number of participants that completed this cycle [„LTS-D“]

Number of participants that completed this cycle [„BMV“]


1. Defibrillation

152,3 (119,4–192,3)

162,9 (120,1–200,3)


50 (100%)

50 (100%)


2. Defibrillation

282,6 (230,5–340,7)

311,4 (265,8–365,3)


50 (100%)

50 (100%)


3. Defibrillation

407,4 (362,5–419,8)

412,3 (380,2–420,0)


48 (96%)

15 (30%)
