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Table 2 Categorization of alcohol use based on AUDIT scores by race/ethnicity

From: A retrospective analysis of ethnic and gender differences in alcohol consumption among emergency department patients: a cross-sectional study


Non-Hispanic White (n = 911)

Mexican (n = 786)

Other Latino (n = 313)

Asian (n = 137)

Non-Hispanic Other (n = 297)

Total (N = 2444)

AUDIT classification


 Never drinks, n (%)

293 (32.2)

283 (36.0)

113 (36.1)

71 (51.8)

106 (35.7)

866 (35.4)

 Drinks with recommended limits, n (%)

444 (48.7)

308 (39.2)

121 (38.7)

53 (38.7)

137 (46.1)

1063 (43.5)

 Drinks above recommended limits, n (%)

174 (19.1)

195 (24.8)

79 (25.2)

13 (9.5)

54 (18.2)

515 (21.1)