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Table 2 Distribution of poisoning cases according to age categories

From: Pattern of acute poisoning at two urban referral hospitals in Lusaka, Zambia

Patient characteristics

Frequency [Number (%)]

0 - 12 years (n = 300 )

13 - 19 years (n = 149 )

20 - 30 years (n = 253 )

> 30 years (n = 125) )



177 (59.0)

37 (24.8)

121 (47.8)

84 (67.2)


123 (41.0)

112 (75.2)

132 (52.2)

41 (32.8)



72 (24.7)

46 (30.1)

72 (28.8)

41 (32.8)

 Peri urban and rural

220 (75.3)

103 (69.1)

178 (71.2)

84 (67.2)

Route of poisoning


286 (95.3)

135 (90.6)

226 (89.3)

106 (84.8)



4 (2.7)

5 (2)

2 (1.6)


1 (0.3)




 Animal/insect bites

13 (4.3)

10 (6.7)

19 (7.5)

17 (13.6)

Circumstance of poisoning


288 (98.0)

43 (31.2)

63 (27.8)

49 (49.0)

 Deliberate self-harm

6 (2.0)

95 (68.8)

164 (72.3)

51 (51.0)

Outcome of poisoning


300 (100)

148 (99.3)

245 (96.8)

118 (94.4)



1 (0.6)

8 (3.16)

7 (5.6)

Toxic agent involved

 Pharmaceutics and narcotics

25 (10.4)

30 (25.0)

51 (24.5)

11 (11.3)


39 (16.3)

32 (26.7)

73 (35.1)

29 (29.9)

 Domestic and industrial

98 (40.8)

29 (24.2)

37 (17.8)

15 (15.5)

 Plant, animal and food poisoning

78 (32.5)

29 (24.2)

47 (22.6)

42 (43.3)

  1. Category for unknown information not shown for all variables