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Table 4 Barriers to Care

From: Emergency department use and barriers to wellness: a survey of emergency department frequent users



Neither agree or disagree


I have reliable transportation to get to my scheduled medical appointments on time

87% (83/95)

5% (5/95)

7% (7/95)

It is easy for me to make time to get to necessary medical appointments

78% (75/96)

7% (7/96)

15% (14/96)

I understand the information & directions given to me during my medical appointments

94% (90/96)

4% (4/96)

2% (1/96)

I always remember to schedule my annual check-ups, tests, and/or screenings

65% (60/92)

18% (17/92)

16% (15/92)

I can obtain my prescription medications in a timely manner

90% (85/95)

5% (5/95)

5% (5/95)

I feel like I receive better quality health care in the emergency department than I do in my usual place of care (primary care physician, free clinic, etc.)

48% (43/89)

35% (31/89)

17% (15/89)