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Table 2 Instruments used to assess risk of bias and quality of reports

From: The effectiveness of physiologically based early warning or track and trigger systems after triage in adult patients presenting to emergency departments: a systematic review

Study design

Risk of bias (ROB)/quality assessment toola

Descriptive studies

Adapted from National Institute of Health checklist [69]

Effectiveness studies – RCTs

Cochrane risk of bias tool [70]

Effectiveness studies – non-RCTs

EPOC quality assessment for quantitative studies [70, 71]

Systematic reviews


Economic evaluations

British Medical Journal Checklist for authors and peer-reviewers of economic submission [72]; Checklist for quality assessment in economic decision-analytic models [73]

Development and validation studies

Quality Assessment Tool adapted from Kansagara et al. (2011) [74]

  1. aDifferent tools use either the term risk of bias or quality. We have reported the findings consistently with the terminology used in the individual tool