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Table 1 Characteristics of patients presenting after RTC to AaBET Hospital, Addis Ababa

From: Ambulance use is not associated with patient acuity after road traffic collisions: a cross-sectional study from Addis Ababa, Ethiopia



(n = 662)

Patient sex, n (%)a


224 (33.8)


438 (66.2)

Patient age, n (%)a

 < 13

31 (4.8)


214 (32.9)


252 (38.8)

 > 40

153 (23.5)

Patient origin, n (%)a

 Addis Ababa

259 (39.4)

 Outside Addis

398 (60.6)

Date of Arrival, n (%)a


467 (72.4)


178 (27.6)

Triage Acuity, n (%)a,b,c

 Low acuity

289 (44.7)

 Moderate acuity

273 (42.2)

 High acuity

85 (13.1)

Referral status/source, n (%)a

 Not referred (from scene)

211 (34.1)

 Referred from government hospital

263 (42.5)

 Referred from health center

126 (20.3)

 Referred from private institution

19 (3.1)

Ref. communication, n (%)a,d

 Yes (before arrival)

224 (57.7)


164 (42.3)

Mode of arrivala


366 (59.0)

 Taxi or private car

234 (37.7)

 Walking or being carried

20 (3.2)

  1. aPercent of non-missing data reported. Missing data per variable as follows: sex (n = 0/662; 0%), age (n = 12/662; 1.8%), patient origin (5/662; 0.8%), date of arrival (17/662; 2.6%), triage acuity (15/662; 2.3%), referral status/source (43/662; 6.5%), referral communication (20/408; 4.9%), mode of arrival (42/662; 6.3%)
  2. bSouth Africa Triage Scale acuity designations
  3. cHigh acuity includes very urgent (58/647; 9.0%), Emergent (25/647; 3.8%) and Dead on arrival (2/647; 0.3%). Dead on arrival grouped within very urgent or emergent due to presumed scene/pre-hospital acuity
  4. dSubset of referred patients only