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Table 1 Patient Characteristics

From: RETRACTED ARTICLE: Severe Viperidae envenomation complicated by a state of shock, acute kidney injury, and gangrene presenting late at the emergency department: a case report

First author, year of publication, study design

Patient number, age, gender,profession

Region of Cameroon and site of the incident

Site of snake bite on the body

Snake species

Delay before hospital presentation

Signs of envenomation



Nkwescheu [10], 2016, case report

Patient 1;

28 year, male, physician

Northern Cameroon, in bedroom

Right hand

Naja melanoleuca

Within an hour

Swollen hand, rigors, foaming at the mouth, loss of speech and severe respiratory distress.

One vial AVS, Fluid resucitation, Atropine 1 mg IV, Ranitidine 50 mg IV, Paracetamol 500 mg IV.


Tianyi, 2017 [11], case report

Patient 2:

10 years, female, occupation not precised

Adamawa region, in the farm

Right temple

Unidentified snake species

12 h

Marked facial swelling, haematuria, pain, bleeding from the wound and mouth, mild respiratory distress.

Topical application and oral ingestion of herbal concoctions, 1 vial of AVS, 1500 IU anti-tetanus serum SC, dexamethasone 4 mg IV every 8 h, ceftriaxone 450 mg every 12 h, wound dressing, Normal saline 100 ml/h.

Complete recovery

Tianyi, 2018[12], case series of two patients

Patient 3: 80 years, male, traditional healer

Adamawa region, in the bush

Left leg

Naja melanoleuca

Died on the way to the hospital

Inability to stand, and difficulties in speaking, loss of consciousness.

Application of traditional topical ointments on the wounds, ingestion of herbal concoctions, no AVS administered.



Patient 4:

3 years, female

Adamawa region, in the bush

Left leg

Unidentified snake species

Four hours

Inability to stand, talk and open her eyes, breathing difficulties, convulsion, a state of shock.

Tourniquet applied on left thigh, fluid resuscitation, 750 IU anti-tetanus serum SC, dexamethazone 4 mg IM, AVS not available.


The present case report

Patient 5:

47 years old female farmer

Centre region, in the farm

Right thumb

Echis occellatus

20 h

a state of shock, acute kidney injury, coagulopathy and gangrene.

Topical application and oral ingestion of herbal, concoctions, fluid resuscitation, anti-tetanus serum 1500 IU SV, ceftriaxone 2 g/24 h IV, metronidazole 500 mg/8 h IV, adrenaline 1:1000 dilution at 0.2 mg every 5 min IV, promethazine 25 mg/8 h IV, Paracetamol 1 g/06 h IV, tramadol 100 mg/8 h IV, methylprednisolone 80 mg/kg IV, three vials of polyvalent anti-venom sera IV, Noradrenaline 0.3/kg/min using EPS, and transfusion of three units of fresh frozen plasma.


  1. AVS: anti-venom serum; SC: subcutaneous; IV: intravenous; IM: intramuscular; EPS: Electric pump syringe