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Table 1 Sample Assessment Framework for Research Focused GEM Fellowship

From: Towards developing a consensus assessment framework for global emergency medicine fellowships







Means of Verification




Attain proficiency in designing, implementing, and publishing GEM research

GEM Specialist prepared to conduct independent GEM research

GEM Fellowship training

Completion of GEM Fellowship activities

Certification by GEM Fellowship Director




Develop skills for stakeholder engagement

Develops stakeholder team for project during training

1. Conduct stakeholder analysis for project

Completion of stakeholder analysis

Written stakeholder analysis submitted to fellowship director



Develop skills in organization and implementation of GEM projects

Competency in GEM project implementation

1. Participate in existing GEM project

2. Design GEM project for implementation during or after fellowship

1. Participation as measured by fellowship director

2. Completion of project design

1. Certification of fellowship director

2. Submission of written project design

GEM Fellow has adequate time to complete project during training


Develop cooperative relationships with existing medical, public health and governmental organizations

Develop professional and mentorship network for future GEM work

1. Identify mentor in area of interest

2. Attend professional conferences/meetings

3. Engage in working groups for development of GEM

1. Identification of mentor(s)

2. Attend at least one professional conference per year during fellowship

3. Participate in at least one GEM working group during fellowship

1. Submit list of actual or potential mentors in area of interest to fellowship director

2. Certificate / CME from professional conference

3. Submission of working group output or summary of activities to fellowship director

Funds available for attending conferences annually



Develop educational skills and presentation techniques

Competence in delivering educational lectures and scientific presentations

1. Deliver educational lectures in medical / clinical setting

2. Deliver oral presentations as part of formal degree or certificate programs

3. Deliver scientific presentation at conference or department

1. Evaluation of educational / scientific presentations in medical settings

2. Evaluation of educational/scientific presentations in academic setting (e.g. as part of MPH or other formal degree or certificate training)

3. Letters certifying performance from GEM partners in-country or from organizations to which presentation was given

1. Review of written evaluations of presentations given

2. Review of assessments / grades from formal degree or certificate programs

3. Review of letters of performance from partners

GEM Fellow gives educational or scientific presentations as part of training


Develop skills in communication with health authorities

Competence in written and oral communications with leadership of organizations

1. Involve fellows in program leadership meetings with increasing level of responsibility

1. Fellow to take lead on at least one oral and one written communication with project / program leadership

1. Review of sample written communications between fellow and leadership team

2. Direct observation of fellow communications with partners

GEM Fellow project involves field research

Medical Knowledge & Patient Care


Develop skills for managing EM patients in austere settings

Competence in management of EM patients in various settings

1. Provide direct emergency care in international setting w/ different language or resource level from home institution

2. Take part in simulation of management of common GEM cases

3. Provide direct patient care in complex emergency setting

2. Complete short-course training in management of common GEM conditions

1. Direct observation of fellow providing patient care in GEM setting

2. Evaluation of simulation/ debrief

3. Direct observation of fellow performance in complex emergency setting

2. Evaluation/ Certificate of Completion of Short Course Training

1. Either certification by Fellowship Director or review of evaluations submitted by faculty or partner organization

2. Review of simulation debrief

3. Either certification by Fellowship Director or review of evaluations submitted by faculty or partner organization

3. Submission of certificate of completion of short course

GEM Fellowship incorporates direct clinical care


Develop knowledge of care protocols for EM conditions in different settings

Demonstrate familiarity with published guideline for GEM care for key conditions

1. Review of published guidelines for emergency triage (WHO, ICRC, SATS)

2. Review WHO Emergency Care checklists

3. Review of published global guidelines for management of acute illness and injury for children and adults (ETAT, IMAI, EmOC, etc.)

1. Able to verbalize principles of triage and perform standardised EM triage

2. Able to verbalize principles of checklists and implement in patient encounter

3. Completion of in-person or virtual training courses

1. Direct observation by faculty or member of partner organization

4. Review of grades / certificate of completion of training courses



Acquire knowledge of major global health conditions and GEM care

Demonstrate knowledge of top 10 causes of morbidity and mortality globally and which of these are affected by emergency care

1. Complete short-course or self-review of top causes of mortality and DALYs and review of priority setting literature (e.g. DCP3)

2. List and prioritize emergency health conditions in local setting

4. Complete formal course work in Global Health

1. Verbalize understanding of major causes of global morbidity and mortality and how these relate to emergency care

4. Performance in formal courses

1. Certification by Fellowship Director

5. Review of transcripts from completed courses



Use available data for EM system evaluation

Competence in EM system evaluation

1. Complete evaluation of single site using standard assessment tool (e.g. WHO IMEESC [6], ESRA T[7])

5. Conduct/Participate in WHO Emergency Care Systems Analysis (local, regional or national)

1. Produce report on emergency care capacity at single site

5. Completion of ECSA report

6. Submission of completed reports to Fellowship Director

GEM Fellowship incorporates field experience in emergency care setting


Develop skills in EM quality improvement

Competence in designing and implementing QA project

1. Complete one quality assurance project at partner site (may involve analysis of existing data)

2. Produce report of QA analysis

6. Communicate findings to partner institution

6. Completion of QA project report

7. Submission of QA report to Fellowship Director

GEM Fellowship provides sufficient time to conduct QA project and to reflect changes

Research Skills


Develop skills to critically review GEM literature

Competence in evaluating published GEM literature

1. Conduct peer-review for (1) GEM article per year

3. Lead (1) journal club on GEM topic

1. Completion of peer-review report

7. Journal club activity

1. Review of at least one peer-review report with Fellowship Director or other faculty

8. Evaluation of journal club presentation by Fellowship Director or other faculty

GEM Fellow gets assigned peer-review by journal


Develop skills to obtain funding for GEM research

Funding proposal for GEM research during / after GEM fellowship

1. Attend funding / development proposal workshop

2. Identify potential funding agencies

3. Identify call for proposal or open-call in area of interest

4. Develop draft funding proposal

1. Meet with Fellowship Director or other GEM faculty to review funding agencies and calls for proposals

8. Completion of draft funding proposal

1. Submission of draft funding proposal to Fellowship Director

2. Submission of proposal to funding agency

9. Funded proposal

Sufficient funding available to attend workshop


Acquire understanding of research methodology

Competence in selection of proper study methods for GEM research

1. Complete course in research methodology – overview (online, self-study, or class)

5. Complete training in specific research methods (online, self-study, or class)

9. Certificate of completion or transcript

10. Review of transcripts / certificates by Fellowship Director

Sufficient funding for research methods training. May use free online courses


Develop skills in data management & analysis

Competence in research data management

1. Complete coursework in data science-collection, storage, cleaning and analysis of data. (Online, self-study, or class)

2. Complete coursework or self-study in data visualization (online, self-study or class)

6. Training in literature review

10. Certificate of completion or transcript

11. Review of transcripts / certificates by Fellowship Director

Sufficient funding for data science training. May use free online courses


Develop research design skills to assess EM care/ intervention

Completed research study protocol

1. Develop research question

2. Develop study protocol

7. Submit study protocol for ethics review

1. Clearly-stated hypothesis

2. Completion of study protocol ready for ethics review

11. Ethics review submission completed

12. Certification by Fellowship Director



GEM research study implemented

Data gathered and ready for cleaning and analysis

1. Perform local stakeholder analysis and engage partners

2. Select & train study team

3. Gather data and securely store

4. Clean data in preparation for analysis

8. Complete analysis of data

1. Advisory group (incl. FD & partners in-country)

2. Completion of human subjects training by team members

3. Completion study protocol training (led by Fellow)

12. Secure database of study data

1. Submission of names of advisory group and report of meeting

2. Review of human subjects research training certificates

13. Certification by Fellowship Director or partners



Gain skills for research manuscript preparation and publication

Research manuscript prepared and ready for peer-review

1. Conduct literature review for GEM research project

2. Analyse GEM research data

3. Complete data visualization

9. Prepare manuscript

1. Submission of literature review

2. Completion of data tables

3. Completion of figures

13. Completion of manuscript

1. Certification by Fellowship Director

14. Submission of manuscript

GEM Fellowship sufficient duration to allow completion of research project