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Table 1 Definition of diagnostic discrepancy [6]

From: Organisational determinants and consequences of diagnostic discrepancy in two large patient groups in the emergency departments: a national study of consecutive episodes between 2008 and 2016


Discharge diagnosis compared with admission diagnosis



No diagnostic discrepancy


The discharge diagnosis was the same as the admission diagnosis


More precise

The discharge diagnosis was more precise than the admission diagnosis

A patient is admitted with S70.0 Fracture of femur and is discharge with S72.2 Subtrochanteric fracture

Diagnostic discrepancy

Hierarchically different

The discharge diagnosis was listed as a secondary admission diagnosis

A patient is discharged with erysipelas, which was a secondary diagnosis at admission

Diagnostically different

The discharge diagnosis was not among the admission diagnoses. The definition is given if none of the previous descriptions match the episode

A patient is admitted with dehydration as admission diagnosis and discharged with hip fracture