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Table 1 Categories of basic and advanced interventions used in this study

From: Acute medical missions by helicopter medical service (HEMS) to municipalities with different approach for primary care physicians


  ▪Chest compressions

  ▪Establish intravenous access

  ▪Establish intraosseous access


  ▪Blood glucose measurement and management

  ▪Prehospital thrombolysis

  ▪Treatment of seizures and overdoses

  ▪Stabilize and splint fractures

  ▪Stop external bleeding with compression, elevation, packing, and/or tourniquet

  ▪Pain treatment

  ▪Immobilization of trauma patient using a splinting device (e.g. SAM sling)

  ▪Use of other drugs available in the ground ambulance service/GP (cyklokapron, amiodarone, furosemide, Solu-Cortef, ondansetron, nitroglycerine, acetylsalicylic acid)



  ▪Mechanical ventilation

  ▪Thoracostomy/chest drain

  ▪Chest compression device

  ▪External cardiac pacing


  ▪Central venous or arterial cannulation

  ▪Blood products

  ▪Use of ultrasound or nerve blocks

  ▪Use of other drugs not available for the ambulance/GP

(ketamine, fentanyl, and suxamethonium chloride)

  1. GPs are expected to perform basic interventions, whereas advanced interventions are only to be performed by an anesthesiologist