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Table 1 Study estimates for the number of trauma deaths avoided if TXA administered in the United States, 2007–2012

From: State-by-state estimates of avoidable trauma mortality with early and liberal versus delayed or restricted administration of tranexamic acid

  1. Data on all trauma deaths for 2007-2012, selected as a “TXA naïve” time period, and the subset of trauma deaths likely due to bleeding. It includes estimates of avoidable mortality if TXA had been administered within one hour of injury to all of these severe trauma patients; if it had been administered between one and three hours after injury; or if it had been reserved only for trauma patients found to be hypotensive, or only for trauma patients found hypotensive or tachycardic. The percent of deaths with hypotension and / or tachycardia were calculated from the NTDB. SBP = systolic blood pressure, HR = heart rate, bpm = beats per minute