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Table 3 Multivariable predictive model

From: Predicting intracranial hemorrhage after traumatic brain injury in low and middle-income countries: A prognostic model based on a large, multi-center, international cohort

Exposure variables

Low and middle income countries

Adjusted odds ratio (95% CI1), z-score



1.10 (1.06, 1.15), 5.19


Glasgow Coma Scale4

1.21 (1.18, 1.23), 17.46


One or both pupils unreactive

1.81 (1.44, 2.26), 5.14


Major extracranial injury

0.78 (0.68, 0.90), -3.35


Time since injury5

1.38 (1.27, 1.48), 8.19


ā€ƒā€ƒā€‚c-index: 0.71

  1. 1 Ninety-five percent confidence interval.
  2. 2 Wald Test p-value for association between variables and outcome.
  3. 3 OR for a 10-year increase in age from a baseline group of <16.
  4. 4 OR for a one-unit decrease in GCS from a baseline of 14.
  5. 5 OR for a categorical increase in hours of injury until randomization (baseline <1 hr, 1- ā‰¤3 hrs, >3 hrs).