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Table 5 Hypothetical scenarios used in the survey

From: Are prehospital treatment or conveyance decisions affected by an ambulance crew’s ability to access a patient’s health information?

Hypothetical scenario

Initial management question

Additional management question

1. Following a clinical examination of a patient, you feel that their condition could be safely managed in the community.

a. How likely would you be to try to obtain details of allergies and a current medication list before contacting and referring to an alternative care provider?

a. You are unable to find details of allergies and what medication the patient is taking. How likely is it that you would still continue with the referral to the alternative care provider?

2. You respond to a patient who was seen acting strangely before having a convulsion. On arrival the patient is unresponsive. You find a wristband containing information stating that the patient is a resident at a local supported living project and has epilepsy. Previously after a seizure, they have made a full recovery within 30 minutes.

a. How likely is it that you will consider this information before making a decision whether or not to convey to the emergency department?

c. How likely is it that you would have made the same decision without the additional information provided by the wristband?

b. How likely is it that you would remain on scene for up to 30 minutes before making a decision whether or not to convey this patient to hospital?

3. You respond to a patient who has fallen and is short of breath with a productive cough. The patient has information at home which states that they have COPD and gives details of observations taken when they were last discharged from hospital. This information includes SpO2 levels, which is similar to the observations you have just recorded.

a. How likely is it that you will consider this additional information when deciding whether or not to convey this patient to hospital?

a. How likely is it that you would have made a similar conveyance decision without the additional information provided by the discharge summary?

  1. *Treatment Escalation Plan (TEP) - regional initiative linked to patients’ resuscitation wishes.