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Table 1 Inclusion and exclusion criteria

From: Adding physical therapy services in the emergency department to prevent immobilization syndrome – a feasibility study in a university hospital

Inclusion criteria

Exclusion criteria

(done in the ED nurses)

1. Awaiting admission to the Family Medicine ward of the CHUS-HD

1. Cases that are or will be taken in charge by specialized medicine ward (including surgical services).

2. Having one of the following clinical signs associated with the development of IS. Difficulty to independently:

• Turn over on the stretcher

• Sit on the edge of the stretcher while having both feet on the ground

• Stand up and remain standing alone or with minor assistance

• Sit down and get up from a chair

• Safely walk near the stretcher or safely walk to the toilet

2. Patient admitted to the ER that are not able to self-mobilize or walk before their admission (ie: prior limitation due to a stroke or arthroplasty).

3. Having IS upon ED admission.

4. Patient for whom getting up and moving around was contraindicated by the physician.