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Table 4 Sample size determination and interim analyses

From: Design and rationale of the Procalcitonin Antibiotic Consensus Trial (ProACT), a multicenter randomized trial of procalcitonin antibiotic guidance in lower respiratory tract infection



Sample size



 H1o: Procalcitonin guideline implementation does not reduce antibiotic exposure by Day 30. (superiority)

 H2o: Procalcitonin guideline implementation increases the proportion of subjects who experience a composite endpoint of adverse outcomes by Day 30, by ≥4.5%. (non-inferiority)

  ▪ Sample size is driven by H2o

  ▪ 4.5% non-inferiority margin

  ▪ ≥ 80% power, 1-sided alpha of 0.05

  ▪ Lost to follow up and composite endpoint rates at 2nd interim data safety monitoring board meeting at ~2/3 accrual (April 2017)

 Interim analyses and stopping rules

 Two interim analyses and one final analysis, approximately evenly spaced

 O-Brien and Fleming stopping boundaries