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Table 1 Summary baseline characteristics of the included reviews

From: Quality of reporting of systematic reviews and meta-analyses in emergency medicine based on the PRISMA statement



n = 112

Type of review, n (%)

 Systematic review

54 (48)


58 (52)

Year of publication, n (%)


52 (46)


60 (54)

Journal, n (%)


21 (19)


10 (9)


36 (32)


32 (28)


13 (12)

Published in journal requiring PRISMA adherence, n (%)

63 (56)

PRISMA use mentioned in review, n (%)

67 (60)

Number of articles included in review, median (IQR)

5 (4–6)

Only RCT’s included in the review, n (%)

15 (13)

Author with affiliation to an epidemiology and/or statistic department, n (%)

13 (12)

  1. AcEM Academic Emergency Medicine, AEM Academic Emergency Medicine, IQR InterQuartile Range, PRISMA preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analyses, RCT randomized controlled trial, SJTREM Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine