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Table 1 Recommended transfer types

From: Early inter-hospital transfer of patients with myocardial infarction without a doctor, paramedic or nurse on board: results from a French regional emergency care network


Low-risk patients

Intermediate-risk patients

High-risk patients


 Remote hospital to PCI centre

Ambulance if uncomplicated;a > 72 h after admission

SCA-Alp if uncomplicated;a 24–72 h after admission

MICU if uncomplicated;a < 24 h after admission; or complicated

 Return to remote hospital

Ambulance if uncomplicated;a > 12 h after successful PCI

SCA-Alp if uncomplicated;a < 12 h after successful PCI



 Remote hospital (or home) to PCI centre




 Return to remote hospital

Ambulance if uncomplicated;b > 48 h after PCI

SCA-Alp if uncomplicated;b 24–48 h after successful PCI

Remain in PCI centre if complicated or < 24 h

  1. MICU mobile intensive care unit, NSTEMI non-ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction, PCI percutaneous coronary intervention, SCA-Alp ambulance with trained drivers and an automatic defibrillator, STEMI ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction
  2. aNo acute cardiac failure condition, no underlying ventricular arrhythmia, and no ST-segment depression > 3 mm in ≥2 leads
  3. bNo cardiac failure, no recurrent angina, no significant ventricular arrhythmia