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Table 3 Initial treatment and angiographic characteristics

From: Early inter-hospital transfer of patients with myocardial infarction without a doctor, paramedic or nurse on board: results from a French regional emergency care network


STEMI (n = 101)

NSTEMI (n = 490)

Initial management

 Primary MICU involvement

79 (78.2)

 Initial remote ED admission and immediate MICU transfera

22 (21.8)

Medication before arrival in the cath-lab


95 (94.1)

473 (96.5)


63 (62.4)

310 (63.3)


14 (13.9)

10 (2.0)


24 (23.8)

170 (34.7)

 Unfractionated heparin

15 (14.9)

191 (39.0)

 Low-molecular-weight heparin

71 (70.3)

292 (59.6)


15 (14.9)

7 (1.4)

 GP IIb/IIIa inhibitor

30 (29.7)

98 (20.0)

Interventional characteristics

 Characteristics of CAD

  Single-vessel disease

69 (68.3)

258 (52.7)

  Two-vessel disease

25 (24.8)

119 (24.3)

  Three-vessel disease

7 (6.9)

57 (11.6)

  No significant CAD


56 (11.4)

 Emergency primary coronary angiogram

43 (42.6)


  (Primary) PCI

33/43 (76.7)

274/490 (55.9)


58 (57.4)


 Rescue coronary angiogram after fibrinolysis

27 (26.7)


  Rescue PCI after fibrinolysis

20/27 (74.1)


 Delayed coronary angiogram after fibrinolysis

31 (30.7)


  Delayed PCI after fibrinolysis

29/31 (93.5)


 Delayed bypass

2 (2.0)

26 (5.3)

 Medical treatment only (no PCI or CABG)

17 (16.8)

190 (38.8)

 Stent implantation

75 (74.3)

250 (51.0)

 Balloon only (no stent)

7 (6.9)

24 (4.9)

  1. Data presented as n (%), n/N (%), or mean ± SD
  2. CABG coronary artery bypass graft, CAD coronary artery disease, ED emergency department, GP glycoprotein, MICU mobile intensive care unit, NSTEMI non-ST segment elevation myocardial infarction, PCI percutaneous coronary intervention, SD standard deviation, STEMI ST segment elevation myocardial infarction
  3. aPatients who arrived at the remote hospital using their own transport