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Table 2 Comparison of changes in vital signs in a cohort of 80,324 strokes and traumatic brain injury

From: The utility of the brain trauma evidence to inform paramedic rapid sequence intubation in out-of-hospital stroke

Change in vital signa

RSI (mean; 95% CI)

No-RSI (mean; 95% CI)

Difference (95% CI; P)

Haemorrhagic strokes

 Systolic blood pressure (mmHg)

−15.8 (−17.8 to −13.9)

−2.0 (−2.4 to −1.6)

−13.8 (− 15.8 to − 11.8; p < 0.001)

 SPO2 (%)

2.0 (1.4 to 2.5)

1.8 (1.7 to 2.0)

0.1 (−0.5 to 0.7; p = 0.72)

 Respiratory rate (per minute)

−5.8 (−6.1 to −5.5)

−0.4 (− 0.5 to − 0.4)

−5.4 (− 6.1 to − 5.5; p < 0.001)

 Glasgow Coma Scale (unit)

−3.5 (−3.6 to −3.3)

− 0.08(− 0.1 to − 0.04)

−3.4 (− 3.5 to − 3.2; p < 0.001)

 Pulse (per minute)

13.2 (11.9 to 14.3)

−1.7 (− 1.9 to − 1.4)

14.8 (13.6 to 16.1; p < 0.001)

Ischemic strokes

 Systolic blood pressure (mmHg)

−9.8 (− 12.1 to − 1.1)

−1.3 (− 1.5 to − 1.1)

−8.5 (− 10.8 to − 6.2; p < 0.001)

 SPO2 (%)

4.2 (3.6 to 4.8)

1.2 (1.1 to 1.3)

3.0 (2.3 to 3.6; p < 0.001)

 Respiratory rate (per minute)

−6.8 (−7.1 to − 6.5)

−0.5 (− 0.48 to − 0.43)

− 6.4 (− 6.7 to − 6.1; p < 0.001)

 Glasgow Coma Scale (unit)

−3.9 (− 4.1 to − 3.8)

0.1 (0.1 to 0.14)

− 4.0 (− 4.2 to − 3.9; p < 0.001)

 Pulse (per minute)

4.7 (3.3 to 6.0)

−1.5 (− 1.6 to − 1.4)

6.2 (4.8 to 7.6; p < 0.001)

Traumatic brain injuries

 Systolic blood pressure (mmHg)

−2.6 (− 3.6 to − 1.5)

−1.3 (− 1.4 to − 1.1)

−1.3 (− 2.4 to − 0.2; p = 0.02)

 SPO2 (%)

2.2 (1.8 to 2.5)

1.0 (0.9 to 1.1)

1.2 (0.8 to 1.5; p < 0.001)

 Respiratory rate (per minute)

−6.1 (− 6.3 to − 5.9)

−0.9 (− 0.9 to − 0.85)

− 5.2 (− 5.4 to − 5.0; p < 0.001)

 Glasgow Coma Scale (unit)

−5.6 (− 5.7 to − 5.5)

0.3 (0.2 to 0.3)

−5.8 (− 5.9 to − 5.7; p < 0.001)

 Pulse (per minute)

7.4 (6.6 to 8.2)

−4.5 (− 4.6 to − 4.4)

11.9 (11.0 to 12.7; p < 0.001)

  1. aAll changes in vital signs calculated as the last minus the first measurement on scene. Means are adjusted for age, initial GCS, year, initial respiratory rate, initial pulse rate, initial systolic blood pressure and Elixhauser comorbidity score