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Table 1 Assessment criteria for quality control management

From: Effect of implementing quality control management in the treatment of severely injured patients: a retrospective cohort study in a level I trauma center in China

1. Completeness of documentation: less than 10% of missing data in the emergency department protocol

2. Arrival of the trauma surgeon: arrival on time with (or before) the patient

3. Arrival of the multidisciplinary team: arrival on time with (or before) the patient

4. Time for basic diagnostics in severe trauma: within 20 min of hospital admission

5. Time until data on the level of hemoglobin: within 30 min of hospital admission

6. Time until whole-body CT in severe trauma: within 30 min of hospital admission

7. Time until intubation when GCS < 9, systolic blood pressure < 90 mmHg, respiratory insufficiency: within 10 min of hospital admission

8. Time until chest tube insertion in cases with clinical/radiological manifestations of hemothorax/pneumothorax or other cases, as determined by the team leader: within 30 min of hospital admission

9. Time until transfusion in case of initial hemorrhagic shock (hemoglobin < 8 g/dL, systolic blood pressure < 90 mmHg): within 30 min of hospital admission

10. Time until emergency operation (determined by the trauma team leader): within 120 min of hospital admission

  1. CT Computed tomography, GCS Glasgow coma scale