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Table 2 Definitions of cognitive skill elements

From: Markers of cognitive skills important for team leaders in emergency medical services: a qualitative interview study




Situation awareness

Gathering information

Continually collecting available important information about a situation to have updated information

Interpreting information

Interpreting information gathered to have an updated mental model of a situation

Anticipating states

Anticipating what may happen in the near future, what outcomes and consequences will be probable in a situation after applying an intervention or non-intervention

Decision making

Identifying options

Identifying several possible alternatives for solving a situation and considering the positives and negatives of each

Implementing decisions

Choosing and implementing a course of action and communicating it to others

Re-evalauting decisions

Continually re-evaluating an implemented course of action and changing it when needed


Maintaining standards

Engaging in formal and informal quality and safety practices in work that support cognitive skills