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Table 3 Prehospital assessment and interventions among patients triaged to self-care

From: Reasons for bias in ambulance clinicians’ assessments of non-conveyed patients: a mixed-methods study

Assessment and interventions


N (%)

The first survey according to ABCDEa

209 (87.1)

Vital signs

 Respiration ratea

229 (95.4)

 Oxygen saturationa

232 (96.7)

 Pulse ratea

231 (96.3)

 Systolic blood pressurea

226 (94.2)

 Diastolic blood pressurea

222 (92.5)


232 (96.7)

 Body temperaturea

230 (95.8)

The secondary survey, clinical history, and focused assessment

 Major complaintsa

240 (100)


115 (47.9)


143 (59.6)

 Previous historya

215 (89.6)

 Nutrition, eliminationa

71 (29.6)

 What preceded the onset of symptomsa

236 (98.3)

 Plasma glucose

75 (31.3)


80 (33.3)

 Lung auscultationa

72 (30)

 Abdominal examination

16 (6.7)

 Neurological examinationa

54 (22.5)

 Pain assessmenta

71 (29.6)


 Drug administration

31 (12.9)

 Physician contacted

51 (21.3)

 Checklist completeda

16 (6.7)

 Information sheet given to patienta

9 (3.8)

 Self-care appropriate according to guideline

159 (66.3)

  1. a = Mandatory variable when referring to self-care
  2. ABCDE Airway, Breathing, Circulation, Disability, Exposure