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Table 4 Characteristics of patients with cancer based on the main reasons for the ED visit in 2018. A) Number of ED visits per patient based on the reason for the ED visit B) The distribution of demographic and clinical characteristics of patients with cancer based on the main reasons for the ED visit, C) Number of deaths following last ED presentation

From: Main reasons and predictive factors of cancer-related emergency department visits in a Hungarian tertiary care center

Frequency of ED visits

(p = 0.000)

Cancer-related ED visit

n = 330

Oncological care -related ED visit

n = 54

New cancer diagnosis -related ED visit

n = 115

Non-cancer related ED visit

n = 913

Undetermined ED visit

n = 100

Total number of patients with cancer visiting the ED

N = 1512


160 (48.5%)

40 (74.1%)

102 (88.7%)

659 (72.2%)

63 (63.0%)

1024 (67.7%)


132 (40.0%)

14 (25.9%)

11 (9.6%)

216 (23.6%)

33 (33.0%)

406 (26.8%)

  ≥ 4x

38 (11.5%)

0 (0.0%)

2 (1.7%)

38 (4.2%)

4 (4.0%)

82 (5.5%)


Cancer-related ED visit

n = 552

Oncological care -related ED visit

n = 85

New cancer diagnosis -related ED visit

n = 189

Non-cancer related ED visit

n = 1381

Undetermined ED visit

n = 176

Total number of ED visits by patients with cancer

N = 2383

Sex (p = 0.038)


267 (48.4%)

41 (48.2%)

110 (58.2%)

654 (47.4%)

96 (54.5%)

1168 (49.0%)


285 (51.6%)

44 (51.8%)

79 (41.8%)

727 (52.6%)

80 (45.5%)

1215 (51.0%)

Age (years) (p = 0.000)

  ≤ 65

253 (45.8%)

45 (52.9%)

78 (41.3%)

475 (34.4%)

55 (31.3%)

906 (38.0%)

  > 65

299 (54.2%)

40 (47.1%)

111 (58.7%)

906 (65.6%)

121 (68.8%)

1477 (62.0%)

Admission to ED during business hours (p = 0.311)


219 (39.7%)

31 (36.5%)

88 (46.6%)

597 (43.2%)

72 (40.9%)

1007 (42.3%)


333 (60.3%)

54 (63.5%)

101 (53.4%)

784 (56.8%)

104 (59.1%)

1376 (57.7%)

Number of comorbidities (p = 0.000)


100 (18.1%)

17 (20.0%)

46 (24.3%)

181 (13.1%)

25 (14.2%)

369 (15.5%)


130 (23.6%)

23 (27.1%)

47 (24.9%)

279 (20.2%)

37 (21.0%)

516 (21.7%)

  ≥ 2

322 (58.3%)

45 (52.9%)

96 (50.8%)

921 (66.7%)

114 (64.8%)

1498 (62.9%)

Days since previous oncological care

(p = 0.000)

  < 30 days

165 (35.6%)

65 (78.3%)

1 (4.2%)

146 (12.4%)

49 (36.8%)

426 (22.6%)

  ≥ 30 days

299 (64.4%)

18 (21.7%)

23 (95.8%)

1031 (87.6%)

84 (63.2%)

1455 (77.4%)

Triage category (MSTR*) (p = 0.000)


98 (18.2%)

16 (19.8%)

65 (34.6%)

414 (30.8%)

41 (24.1%)

634 (27.3%)


224 (41.7%)

46 (56.8%)

79 (42.0%)

597 (44.4%)

82 (48.2%)

1028 (44.3%)


198 (36.9%)

18 (22.2%)

41 (21.8%)

319 (23.7%)

37 (21.8%)

613 (26.4%)


11 (2.0%)

1 (1.2%)

3 (1.6%)

11 (0.8%)

4 (2.4%)

30 (1.3%)


6 (1.1%)

0 (0.0%)

0 (0.0%)

5 (0.4%)

6 (3.5%)

17 (0.7%)

Destination from ED (p = 0.000)


228 (41.3%)

39 (45.9%)

74 (39.2%)

957 (69.3%)

86 (48.9%)

1384 (58.1%)


323 (58.5%)

45 (52.9%)

115 (60.8%)

416 (30.1%)

84 (47.7%)

983 (41.3%)


1 (0.2%)

1 (1.2%)

0 (0.0%)

8 (0.6%)

6 (3.4%)

16 (0.7%)

Death after last ED visit

(p = 0.000)

Cancer-related ED visit

n = 330

Oncological care-related ED visit

n = 54

New cancer diagnosis-related ED visit

n = 115

Non-cancer related ED visit

n = 913

Undetermined ED visit

n = 100

Total number of patients with cancer visiting the ED

N = 1512

  < 30 days

154 (46.7%)

9 (16.7%)

20 (17.4%)

47 (5.1%)

22 (22.0%)

252 (16.7%)

  ≥ 30 days

68 (20.6%)

8 (14.8%)

34 (29.6%)

132 (14.5%)

23 (23.0%)

265 (17.5%)


108 (32.7%)

37 (68.5%)

61 (53.0%)

734 (80.4%)

55 (55.0%)

995 (65.8%)

  1. *MSTR Hungarian Emergency Triage System
  2. **DAMA Discharged against medical advice