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Table 4 Key findings for the effectiveness of interventions for smoking outcomes

From: Effectiveness and implementation of interventions for health promotion in urgent and emergency care settings: an umbrella review

Author (year)



Number of studies


Lemhoefer et al., (2017) [33]

Smoking cessation interventions including MI, cessation advice, booster calls, NRT, materials and referral to telephone quit lines

Self-reported 7 days of tobacco-use abstinence

11 (pooled results: 4 new + 7 from Rabe et al., 2013)

• 1 month and 3 months after ETC (emergency-department initiated tobacco control), pooled 7-day point-prevalence abstinence was significantly higher in the ETC group compared to the control group; at 12-month follow-up, pooled results were not significant

• For on-site motivational interviewing combined with booster telephone calls, pooled results showed higher point prevalence abstinence in ETC than in the control condition

• Pooling only the 4 newly retrieved studies found the effect size was larger than in the previous meta-analysis

Pelletier et al., (2014) [34]

Smoking cessation interventions in an adult or paediatric ED setting including materials, brief advice, counselling, NRT, MI

Smoking cessation rate


• Differences in smoking cessation rates among intervention and comparison groups


• Differences in cessation rates between compared groups were non-significant


• No difference in self-reported quit rates between brief advice and motivational interviewing groups for paediatric patients; non-significant differences between the groups in self-reported smoking reduction rates

Rabe et al., (2013) [35]

Smoking cessation interventions including MI, referral to cessation programme, booster phone calls

Self-reported 7 days of tobacco-use abstinence


• Smoking abstinence higher in the intervention group compared with control group at follow-up


• Positive significant effect of ETC on 7-day point prevalence tobacco abstinence at one month


• Positive effects apparent at 3- and 6-month follow-up


• Twelve-month data showed benefit of ETC compared with control condition


• Benefit of ETC versus control condition on combined 7-day point prevalence tobacco abstinence


• Sensitivity analyses: there was benefit of ETC on combined 7-day point prevalence tobacco abstinence when MI in the ED was followed by booster telephone calls

  1. ETC Emergency Department-initiated tobacco control, NRT Nicotine Replacement Therapy